Department of B.M.S


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BMS Approved by AICTE Certificate

B.M.S. provides adequate basic understanding of Management education. This course introduces students to the practical aspects of project work, group studies, case studies, and presentations that are part of the MBA program. This degree is in demand in the areas of sales and marketing and finance in private companies. Business Administration is an important field as Indian companies have a global presence.

In short, the BMS program is designed to develop student's leadership and supervisory skills. The program focuses on three main aspects that streamline a candidate's managerial skills: administration, communication, and information technology.


  • Ability to effectively communicate both orally and verbally.
  • Appreciate importance of working independently and in a team.
  • Have exposure of complex commerce problems and find their solution.
  • Understand required mathematical, analytical and statistical tools for financial and accounting analysis.
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  • Develop an understanding of various commerce functions such as Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Financial analysis, project evaluation, cost accounting, taxation etc.
  • Develop self-confidence and awareness of general issues prevailing in the society.

Courses Being Taught

First Introduction to Financial Accounting Industrial Law
Business Law Business Communication 2
Business Statistics Foundation Course 2
Business Communication 1 Business Mathematics
Business Economics Business Environment
Foundation Course 1 Principles of Management
Organizational Behaviour Principles of Marketing
Second Year Sem 3 Sem 4
Information Technology in Business management 1 Information Technology in Business management 2
Business planning and Entrepreneurship management Foundation Course 4
Foundation Course 3 Production and Total quality management
Accounting For Managerial Decision Business Research Methods
Cost Accounting Business Economics
Strategic Management Strategic Cost Management
Co-operate Finance Co-operate Restructuring
Product Innovation Integrated Marketing Communication
Consumer Behaviour Rural Marketing
Third Year Sem 5 Sem 6
Investment analysis and portfolio management Innovation financial services
Wealth management International finance
Risk management Strategic financial management
Logistics and supply chain management Project management
Co-operate communication and public relation Operational research
Service marketing International marketing
E-commerce and digital marketing Retail management
Strategic management Brand management
Customer relationship management Media planning


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Departmental Associations


Eminent Alumni

  • Ms. Vinaya Kolte

    Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy, Bhavans College (Aided Section)

    Durgesh C. Tiwari

    Co-founder and Director, Febble lives to express stories though Digital means

  • Gaurav Mhaldar

    Founder and Director of Bhavans Naatyasparsha - Screenplay writer for the Marathi daily soap “Pinkicha Vijay Aso” – 8 years of experience in art, theatre

    Mr. Aman Patel

    Retailers Association Skill Council of India (RASCI) Designation: Executive Training of Trainers (ToT) & Training of Assessors (ToA)

  • Mr. Shaikh Shahrukh

    Morgan Stanley Designation: Director

    Mr. Naitik Charania

    Entrepreneur Snapperlance Studio – Commercial Videos

  • Miss Neha Sharma

    Working with Qatar Airways FIFA Staff Designation: Qatar Duty free- Sales Personnel

Board of Studies

Sr. No.




Dr. Sandhya Nabar

Head of Department


Dr. Shobha Dedhia

Two sub-expert nominated by AC outside Parent University for BMS


Dr. Vijay Anand


Dr. Smita Shukla

Expert nominated by VC for BMS


Alkesh Mody


Mr. Ravi Ranjan

Representation of Industry


Mr. Pratik Salunke

PG alumnus


Dr. Deepa Chitnis (N.M.College)

Business Law


Dr. Vikam Shrotni

Production and Operation management


Dr. Shraddha Bhome

Financial management

Photo Gallery

PO, PSO and CO of Revised Syllabus

PO A student completing Bachelor’s Degree in management program will be able to:

Apply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciation of the diverse social world in which we live.


Communicate competently through writing, reading, speaking, and to be able to connect to the world in a meaningful way.


Develop a knowledge base sufficient to appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate program of their choice.


Develop an awareness for human values to enable them to deal with various problems in life with courage and humanity.


Increase their understanding of marketing and contribute to the society by being able to generate solutions for social, political issues at Individual and societal level.



List of Students placed in Various Organizations
