Bhavan’s College is a host to many important events throughout the academic year and has developed facilities for the same accordingly. The cultural activities are carried out by the Cultural Committee at the Auditorium, Class rooms and the Playgrounds.
Every year, the Kalamahotsav, the Annual Cultural Festival, is organized with a variety of cultural events. The students are also encouraged to participate in intra-collegiate and inter-collegiate cultural competitions. This gives students an opportunity to showcase their talent besides giving them a reinvigorating break from academics. An outcome of this facility can also be seen the list of prizes won by the students in the academic years.
To organize the cultural activities and events, the college has a separate Cultural Office. The College Katta, an open space, for informal activities, discussions and practice performing
arts is provided. The college festivals are held at Kalangana Ground and Sports Ground wherein approximately 8000 to 9000 students can be accommodated at a time. An air-conditioned Auditorium and a Hall at Bhavan’s Cultural Centre are also made available for organizing cultural activities of the college.