
List Of Add-On/ Certificate Courses 2024-2025

Sr. No. Department Course Name Duration Fees For College Student Fees For Outsiders Student Start Date End Date Resource Person Registration Link
1 Bio-Technology Food Fermentation: The Science Of Cooking With Microbes 30 Hours ₹ 2500/- Plus GST ₹ 3000/- Plus GST OCTOBER 2024 DECEMBER 2024 Dr. Veena Maheshwari             Mr. Akshay Rane https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbL5jdI1F9RB9t8-ChO75Rpw0gbp1r3aR5Sf0OkIUYL9arsA/viewform
2 Botany Everyday Chinese Medicine 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST ₹ 3000/- Plus GST - - Prof.(Dr.) Asmita Mestry               Prof.(Dr.) Nitin Labhane                      Mr. Taufiq Shaikh Https://Docs.Google.Com/Forms/d/e/1Faipqlscrsum-Uns0Xwndlw4j_Knozcowh64H0_Ytyejwk_Lczqjlfg/Viewform?Usp=Sf_Link
3 Botany Fundamentals Of Soil Analysis 45 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST ₹ 3000/- Plus GST - - Mr. Vishal Kamble                  Mr. Dinesh Agre                    Ms. Sharayu Raje https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkJOgjUaUUeB8bHKsdESmnugBqKKqSyE9r02pSfAnhHU-BRw/viewform
4 Business Management Studies The Brilliant Stock 30 Hours ₹ 2596/- All Inclusive - JUNE 2024 JULY 2024 Mr. Mustak Deraiya https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEhWtNkfmS_7HdMcWOjTeZ5g66XyNj0fkcBwUcFOHT-X6YiQ/viewform
5 Chemistry Foundation  Course In Oils, Detergents,Soaps 10 Weeks ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - - Dr. Amit Jagtap -
6 Chemistry Foundation Course In Lubricants,Oils And Greases 10 Weeks ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - - Mr. Jaideep M. Sarnaik                     Mr. Vijay Upponi -
7 Commerce Presentation Skills And Professional Ethics 30 Hours ₹ 1500/- Plus GST N/A JULY 2024 SEPTEMBER 2024 Mr.Siddhesh Sawant https://forms.gle/JrSZQrK7ks4bpign8
8 Computer Science & Information Technology Ms-Office With Artificial Intelligence Tools 30 Hours ₹ 1999/- Plus GST ₹ 2999/-        Plus GST AUGUST 2024 OCTOBER 2024 Ms. Smitha Renny              Ms. Ruby Sara Roy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiECOIXrqaOS3xcDBCnw3AL9fifF-_A-nT-5DHoW-JZT4z2Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
9 Computer Science & Information Technology Python Programming for everyone 30 Hours ₹ 3999/-Plus GST ₹ 5999/-       Plus GST NOVEMBER 2024 JANUARY 2025 Ms. Smitha Renny              Ms. Ruby Sara Roy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwVnCYvXRQ7VFKWZrf-vlw9LAYeLvp6dJh5HScwMCxP05H-g/viewform?usp=sf_link
10 Computer Science & Information Technology Complete Google Workspace Masterclass 30 Hours ₹ 2499/- All inclusive ₹ 3499/-    All inclusive JULY 2024 SEPTEMBER 2024 Ms. Smitha Renny              Ms. Ruby Sara Roy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd19Wtjcr35c6OZ8etquW3zweotQz4CDEjd7jBrUv1xJESrrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
11 Computer Science & Information Technology Advanced Excel 30 Hours ₹ 2999/- Plus GST ₹ 3999/-       Plus GST JANUARY 2025 MARCH 2025 Ms. Smitha Renny              Ms. Ruby Sara Roy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkMUoa7HV-jZr1DhPzXspyzQX6cfag4EAqI9cjCLj1ry7ABA/viewform?usp=sf_link
12 Economics Econometric With R Programming 30 Hours ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - - Dr. Nirmala Pawar -
13 Economics Power Bi 30 Hours ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - - Dr. Nirmala Pawar -
14 Economics Mastering Linkedin To Elevate Professional Online  Presence 30 Hours ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - - Dr. Nirmala Pawar -
15 English Functional Grammar And Communication In English 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST ₹ 3000/- Plus GST AUGUST 2024 SEPTEMBER 2024 Dr. H.L. Narayana Rao                             Dr. C. B. Patil                         Dr. Sunil Gondhali                 Ms. Rutuja Pradhan https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMnPu63-lCyttNxAf8jidOMqkdpKenoKflJw2dLzOL8hleHQ/viewform
16 History Introduction To Library Science And Digital Skills For Historical Research 30 Hours ₹ 1350 Plus GST ₹ 2000 Plus GST - - Mr. Ramesh Paloti(Librarian) Asst. Prof. Sharmik Kharat (Head, Dept. History)           Asst. Prof. Kevin Salve https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3-fYEETs4uZa0cyU4uETXhBk-q0FqLTnu7JJkfw2PsjY8Fg/viewform
17 History Lathi Kathi 30 Hours ₹ 1300/- Plus GST - - - Prof. Sharmik Kharat (Head, Dept. History)   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuFt-SHoLY3F2M3SJ-Px-MatoxdMHBKJAblObgQRJBrv2fuw/viewform
18 Information Technology React JS 30 Hours ₹ 3000/- Plus GST ₹ 3500/- Plus GST DECEMBER 2024  FEBRUARY 2025 Ms. Harshala Chaudhari                   Ms. Aliya Choudhary https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzJBjlhBg4uaulJ4jh9-TyP5paRW3uAb5z8vXMBqOwNHD5tQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
19 Marathi, Hindi Blog, Content & Creative Writing Course 30 Hours ₹ 1000/- Plus GST ₹ 1200/- Plus GST AUGUST 2024 SEPTEMBER 2024 Dr. Nirmohi Phadake (Writer & Researcher) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfODfP10lOD_pqDFrvt4m2od5HA2y1x3peVmkMyNrBDLbiTrg/viewform
20 Mathematics Vedic Mathematics 30 Hours ₹ 1000/- Plus GST ₹ 1200/- Plus GST - - Mrs. Hemangi Desai                Ms. Shruti Vaidya https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHY0kSRwWVLDsmH0Ko2wPi5z0O-f-zvqFSUheGvH0BVubJNA/viewform
21 Microbiology Molecular Biology: Basic Concepts And Techniques 30 Hours ₹ 3000/- Plus GST ₹ 3000/- Plus GST - - Prof.(Dr.) S.V. Raut                Mr. Bony Dasari https://forms.gle/B21q8jrL8Xu7UBRY9
22 Philosophy Philosophy Of Science 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST - - - Asst. Prof. Tejashree Trimakhe -
23 Philosophy An Introduction To Indian Philosophy 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST - - - Asst. Prof. Tejashree Trimakhe -
24 Philosophy Greek Philosophy 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST - - - Asst. Prof. Tejashree Trimakhe -
25 Physics Stargazing And Astro-Tour 30 Hours ₹ 1500/- Plus GST ₹ 2500/- Plus GST - - Mr. Rajesh Mudaliyar            Dr. Rounak Atram                  Mr. Brijeshlumar Yadav Https://Docs.Google.Com/Forms/d/e/1Faipqlscpslety1Hl9Q0sl2Xbssy3knoacavuxsn16klttnfzbuptxa/Viewform
26 Political Science Softskills For Competitive Examination 30 Hours ₹ 2000/- Plus GST ₹ 2500/- Plus GST - - Purnima Gaikwad(IPS) Commandant SPRF(ARmed Battalion)  Asst. Prof. Ajit Mokal(NL Dalmia College) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTXL03Lx0QXTurk-K0V9xwYPYruAPOM9V5779Z2NFhPQXkkA/viewform
27 Psychology Basic Counselling Skills (Only for Psychology Students) 30 Hours - N/A - - Dr.(Mrs.) K. C. Gawali N/A
28 Psychology Advanced Counselling Course (Only for Psychology Students) 30 Hours - N/A - - Dr.(Mrs.) K. C. Gawali N/A
29 Statistics Database and MySQL (Only for TYBSC Statistics Students) 30 Hours UNDER DBT STAR SCHEME N/A JULY 2024 JULY 2024 Dr. (Smt.) U. A. Phatak Ms. Rakhi Kamble N/A
30 Statistics Basic and Advanced Ms Excel (Only for Psychology & Economic Students) 30 Hours UNDER DBT STAR SCHEME N/A - - Dr. (Smt.) U. A. Phatak  Ms. Rakhi Kamble N/A
31 Zoology Vermicomposting 30 Hours ₹ 1500/- Plus GST - - - Dr. Balkrishna Maruti Gore Https://Forms.Gle/Wbzza6airfcdxeyd7
32 BRM Exploring the path of Entrepreneurship 30 Hours ₹ 1500/- Plus GST N/A AUGUST 2024 SEPTEMBER 2024 Mr.Siddhesh Sawant https://forms.gle/SQyvKzFiQTvCe2Hv6
33 BAF Fundamentals of Costing 30 Hours ₹ 1500/- Plus GST ₹ 1700/- Plus GST JULY 2024 AUGUST 2024 CA Ruby Parekh https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT8qoaLLbBe_GvCrWp_quM4p9m-t3KLOi9zHTH47B052tYRQ/viewform
34 BAF Shodh ka Sikandar- Innovative Research Techniques 30 Hours ₹ 1200/- Plus GST ₹ 1500/- Plus GST JULY 2024 AUGUST 2024 CA Ruby Parekh https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXIKVyQ3rCP_cO4pOSd3evKjg2yPGsKwFUlYSczhh6Z_wp2g/viewform
35 BAMMC Film and Culture Studies 30 Hours ₹ 999/- Plus GST ₹ 1400/- Plus GST AUGUST 2024 - Ms. Charmi Chhagani      Ms. Harshala Kajare https://forms.gle/1PTjB5f6yZSK6ZcE9
36 Sixladders Cyber Security - - - - - - -
37 I Transform Ltd Learning German (A1-A2 Level) - - - - - - -