The Library has 64,000 books with a good number of textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Handbooks and Books for Competitive Examinations. Students can issue these books for home reading as well as reference purpose in the library.
A Book Bank Facility is available for underprivileged, economically backward and differently abled students. A separate collection of fast moving titles particularly textbooks based on syllabus is being developed and issued to these students for semester-wise.
The Reading Room facility with a peaceful environment has been produced to enhance the learning ability of the students. The Library Reading Room is situated in the first floor and can accommodate 200 students.
The Library is computerized with the help of Libsys (College Edition) Software. The books and resources are catalogued and they can be searched through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). OPAC is user friendly and students can search the collection by author-wise, title-wise, subject-wise or call number-wise.
Bhavan’s College Library has established UGC Network Resource Centre the Financial Grants from the University Grants Commission (UGC). Free internet access is provided in the center to use the INFLIBNET-N-LIST E-Resources and other educational sites for their study and research purposes.
The Library has JAWS (Job Access With Speech) Software and devices specially designed for differently abled students. JAWS Talking Software and a host of other Assistive Technology products help the visually challenged students to master them with the most important tool in an office environment i.e. Computers.
The copies of syllabus and question papers are digitized and stored in the computers for students’ reference. The links are provided on the College Library Website ( and other e-resources for remote access.